Lutheran Campus Ministry at UMD depends on your support through the giving of your time, talent and treasures. We appreciate your monetary gifts and invite you to send your tax deductible (verify eligibility with your tax accountant) gifts to UMD Lutheran Campus Ministry, P.O. Box 3649, Duluth, MN 55803-3649
LCM Operating support (General Contributions)
Contributions will help support the program ministry of the UMD Lutheran Campus Ministry. These include but are not limited to: Worship Service every Sunday Morning; Spring and Fall retreats; bible studies; student activities; and Spring Break mission trip -
Support for maintenance of the LCM House
Thanks to all of your generous contributions, the loan on the LCM house has been paid off. Any contributions to help pay for the maintenance and capital improvments to the LCM house are always welcome. -
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Thrivent Choice® Program
Lutheran Campus ministry is an enrolled Lutheran organization in the Thrivent Thrivent Choice® program. Through the Thrivent Choice® program, a percentage of the amount of certain investments with Thrivent Financial can be designated to be given to a tax exempt Lutheran organization of your choice. We hope you will decide to designate this money to be given to UMD Lutheran Campus Ministry. -
Simply Giving
LCM is a member of Thrivent's Simply Giving Program. Through this program an individual can make regular donations electronically to LCM. For more information please contact Pastor Doug Paulson at Email: lcammin@d.umn.edu. -
Planned Giving
We welcome any larger gifts through planned annunities, wills, and charitable trusts. For further information on these significant gifts, please contact Pastor Doug Paulson at Email: lcammin@d.umn.edu.